mantra muse

A couple of months before the Covid-19 quarantine shut down, I had set out like many others to make the best of the year 2020. One of the few things I had set out to do was to get what I wanted (or thought I wanted) out of life and in order for that to happen, I had to get my mind right. That led me back to connecting with my spirit: my beliefs and what I draw strength & inspiration from. Feeling the need to shift perspectives and depart from “survival mode”, I drew from the practices I’ve used sporadically in the past (that I’d put aside for years due to the good old “hustle & bustle” and getting caught up) such as mindfulness, transcendental & kundalini meditation, astrology, drinking more kombucha (lol), Zen Buddhism, Metaphysics, & other faith-based and new-age philosophies to get back in touch and closer to the core of my soul - I just wanted to elevate! I really didn’t know how much work or dedication it would take but 2020 was definitely a soulful/soul-filled year for me to say the least…and like with all movements, elevation takes work & dedication. As I had set out on this spiritual journey, it started right away with some hurdles and shifting dynamics around my family, my health, and my finances. For what I had set out to be a year of just pure goodness, stopped me and everyone else in our tracks - or so it seemed. I was now forced to deal with the tough & uneasy and on top of that, me...I had to get back in touch with me again. 

This time, my aim was to understand why I do the things I do (patterning & behavior), how that affects myself & other beings/the ethos, & how I can bring the better or best of myself to the world each & every day (without feeling depleted). I was confined to a space that fortunately I had of my own - my living room. Since I couldn’t seek out or participate in public spaces at the time due to the quarantine, I designated the living room in my apartment as my own personal wellness studio. In the past I wasn’t able to afford to take part in yoga or other wellness studio/center/ gym memberships. Now I was able to every day and it took less than 10 seconds to get to. Of course I was tremendously grateful to have what I realized as this newfound luxury I finally made time for, because truthfully in the past there were times where I didn’t even have a space to designate as my “own” or feel at home. 

So this is where the “mantra muses” comes in…Out of this space I routinely set aside time for me to move, sing, dance, connect, engage, as freely as I wanted to be. Of course the only member was me but I brought in all the things I was either unable to afford or too “busy” or exhausted to get to/show up or mindfully attend. I practiced trusting my intuition more & brought in divine guidance and other alternative forms/tools of healing & connecting. Though of course there were times when I felt lonely, there were also times I was my greatest company.  Then there were also times I had to show up for others and in order to do that and still have enough of a well-filled well for myself, I had to find ways to recharge & replenish on-the-go, away from my self-made sacred space. Sometimes what came to me is my natural coping & soothing method of singing; I would often make up short, little melodies or repetitive tunes (something I’ve also done often pre-covid). I also became more acquainted with my loop machine…These little numbers would come from expressions of how I was feeling or where I wanted to get to or just to let out how grateful I was to be even in the moment. They would often stay with me and I would sing them or use them when needed - wherever I was especially when I was anxious, tired, lost, stressed, annoyed, disappointed, stretched, pulled, angry, or screen-fatigued, but also when I was experiencing joy because all of those moments come and go & back again. And I hope you too can use them too along your journey.

No matter what size, the decor, vibe, mood, quantity, or quality of your space I hope you can bring these songs as moments of inspiration into your life/space - your mind, body, & soul - to recharge, refuel, & replenish your heart. 

One of the many things I’d like to work on this year (and we all have been working on for a long time) is accessibility. Overall wellness for all who seek it, is a is where I’d like to start. 

As we’re still in quarantine, the work on myself along my spiritual journey and towards a more fulfilling life continues. I think it’s something that’ll never stop. No lie - there are many colorful-dynamic ranges of varying emotions but the one I enjoy most is the love I feel in creating, connecting, and sharing with you. 

Happy listening & repeat as often or needed.

Until next time…all the best.

With love, gratitude, compassion & care,


*The repetitiveness of these songs are meditative mantras to inspire, uplift and serve as a reminder that sometimes amazing things happen if we can just get out of our own way.* #letyourEgo

Nadia Danielle